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Mission 101:  P2P Evangelism

“Mission” comes from a latin word meaning ‘to send’. Jesus commanded His first disciples, who represented those to follow, that “as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21). This mission is still relevant today and the universal church, including every local congregation and every Christian in it, is sent into the world to fulfil the “Great Commission” as outlined in Matthew 28:18-20.

Fifty years ago, a few brave Christians from the Glad Tidings Open Bible Church in Spanish Town obeyed this command from their Lord and came to Naggo Head. They obeyed because:

  1. They were aware that this command was given by the Lord Jesus Christ

  2. The love of Christ inspired them

  3. God must be glorified

  4. Jesus is coming soon

  5. They want their Crown of Righteousness


Today, Elim boasts a congregation of approximately 300 regular attendees, but this alone does not speak adequately to the impact of the mission. The greater impact is the spiritual awakening and the godly fear that permeates the entire Naggo Head community, including the many relatively new adjoining communities of Braeton, Marine Park and Southboro.

Over the last ten (10) years, the Mission and Evangelism Ministry in collaboration with the Sunday school department, established five (5) outreach Sunday schools which ministers to approximately ninety (90) young people in their own environment every Sunday afternoon.

When Jesus walked the earth, He demonstrated His awesome power to change lives. That same life-changing power has been with us through the Holy Spirit over the fifty (50) years (Acts 1:8). We witness of Him at work as we walk the lanes of Naggo Head and its environs, preaching and teaching from house to house as we engage the residents at street meetings, crusades in the church yard and under tents in the adjoining communities.

The leaders and congregants of this great missionary movement have tried several strategies to impact the community towards godly living, but the one strategy that is guaranteed to yield the greatest success is Person-to-Person (P2P) Evangelism. Jesus was a personal worker. It is shown in the gospels that he put seven times as much emphasis on personal work than on preaching. Records show the sermons he preached, are outweighed by the number of individuals with whom he interacted concerning their souls.

Going forward, this is where the emphasis must be placed, in getting every believer to understand that the command of Christ to “Go ye therefore…” is for him/her, and that the call is urgent and pertinent. This is and will continue to be the mission of this ministry.

members of the misisons team.jpg

Standing: Deacon Glen Gassop, Minister Courtney Walters, Rev. Brictoni Williams

Seated:     Sis. Carmen Johnson, Sis. Dorian Lewis, Deaconess Juanita Harvey

How to Have A Relationship with Christ


Jesus loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with

you. Your sin is, however, preventing you from being in a loving

relationship with Jesus. Sin is willful disobedience to God and all

peoples are guilty of sin (Romans 3:23).

The sin obstacle between you and God can be crossed only by

faith in Jesus. Would you like to know how to cross that hurdle?


1. Realize that you need God

The Bible says that we cannot overcome the barrier of sin by ourselves. Salvation is a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Even though you do not deserve His gift of salvation, God offers that gift to you right now. God’s Holy Spirit works in our hearts to let us know of our need for the gift of salvation from God.

2. Accept God’s offer in faith


Jesus, God’s Son, gave His life to pay the price that we should have paid (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). Whoever believes in Jesus will not be condemned: whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only son (John 3:18). He offers to save you now.


3. Respond to God right now

Turn away from your old way of life and turn to God in faith. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). The Bible says: If you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). You can accept or reject His offer. What will you do?

You can invite Christ into your heart by praying to Him (Acts 2:21). Ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you right now. Ask Him to cleanse you from sin and be your Saviour and Lord.

Adapted from the Caribbean Bible Lessons Living the Word Bible Leaders,

Learner Guide, Christmas Issue 2018, Phase 4, Vol. 10, No. 1)

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